Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Local & Handmade Goodies

Have you visited yet? This site is truly delightful! It is filled with hand-crafted and/or vintage goodies. I nearly drool as I page through some of the beautifully unique crafts on this site. I have recently made a few purchases, too. I bought a birthday cupcake half-apron, a vintage "happy birthday" sign, and a beautiful little birdy on a swing for Amelia.

Here it is:
How sweet is that?? So, I've made a vow: I will only shop local or handmade for gifts I purchase this fall, and holiday season. I may even attempt to make my own gifts. I do make jewelry, the organic gem-stone, nothing fancy, variety. I've been thinking lately of taking a sewing class. Mind you, I was so horrendous at sewing in 7th grade home-economics that I nearly failed. It was the whole precision thing again. Perhaps that's why I married an engineer. He picks up where I leave off. Literally. Anyways, it can't be that hard, right? Sewing, that is. Hmmm....