Monday, November 17, 2008

Sometimes I Forget...

Sometimes I forget my own power.
I forget my own capability as a woman, a mother, a life partner, a business woman.
Then I remember that I can choose a new path when the one that I'm walking down isn't leading where I want to go.
Like when I find myself going into Amelia's room four times during a "nap time".
Sometimes I forget that Amelia follows my cues, and that she senses when I am ambivalent, or unsettled.
Then I remember what I want for her, and I settle into a new plan.

Sometimes I forget to attend to myself.
Then I remember to start where I am, and even a 15-minute run is refreshing and, for today, enough.
Sometimes I forget that eating well means delighting my mouth, as much as nourishing my body.
Then I remember to treat myself to a perfectly toasted sesame bagel with fresh goat cheese, thyme, and a drizzle of aguave nectar for breakfast. (Seriously, you must try it...)

Sometimes I forget how much I need my friends.
Then I remember how good it feels to hear, "I know. I've been there, too."
Sometimes I forget that it really need not be hard.
And them I remember to go with, not against, the flow. And that it gets to be easy, if I so choose.

Sometimes I forget that we all forget.
And then I remember why I do what I do.

To remember.