Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Daily Rituals

Here's a confession: Before my daughter's birth, I never made my bed. It seemed unnecessary to me. Why spend my time making a bed that will just be slept in again that night? And who will see it anyways?? Basically, what's the point?? My house is organized and generally clean, and I have very little clutter. An unmade bed was not a big deal.

After Amelia was born, my home became more than my haven. It was where I was spending nearly all of my time. My tolerance for mess and disorganization became even less than beforehand (and my husband would say it was low to begin with!) I focused on the downstairs first. I asked my husband to straighten out the pillows on the couch, and fold the blanket, before going to bed. With a newborn, the couch is where I spent a lot of my time. I explained to my husband that I felt 'weighted' if I came downstairs in the a.m. to pillows and blankets strewn about, remotes hidden in the pillows, etc. It felt as if yesterday's mess carried into today. As a new mom who often felt secluded in the middle of winter, it really affected me. I needed some refreshment, so that each day did not feel like "groundhog day".

One morning, soon after, I decided to make my bed. I spent a few minutes hemming and hawing over the use of this precious nap-time, but felt compelled to make it.

That day, I noticed how good it felt each time I passed by my bedroom and saw my bed. I pulled down the covers that evening and gratefully climbed into my snug covers. It felt special to me. Like a treat.

The next day, I made my bed again before taking my morning shower. I did it again the next day. It has since become a daily ritual. I do it because it feels good. It is a way of taking care of myself, like brushing my teeth. And, in response to the question of "who sees it anyways??" ~ ME! That's the point.

I would naturally make my bed if I were staying at anyone else's house. It is a sign of respect and consideration. Now, it is something that I do to honor myself and the beginning of a new day and a fresh start. It is a small act that has a significant impact on my day.

I am in the process of creating other "daily rituals" that refresh and fuel me for the day ahead. As these behaviors become rituals and habits, they contribute to an overall sense of self-respect and trust.

What daily rituals would positively affect your life?? What commitments or behaviors would contribute to greater balance and fulfillment??