Friday, September 26, 2008

Amelia Insists...

My daughter is challenging me these days. We woke up this morning and all was well, until I put her down to prepare her breakfast of oatmeal, apples and bananas. She was at my feet within moments, climbing up my legs, fussing. This has been a pattern as of late.

So, I stopped what I was doing, carried her to the couch, hugged her to me, whispered "I love you", and took out a book. And then I attempted to resume my breakfast making...

I believe that its related to a night-waking habit, which leaves her without truly restful sleep. Perhaps she is in a developmental stage of sorts, where she only has eyes for mama. Or maybe she wants me to do something, and can't yet communicate that.

No matter the cause, she is telling me something. She is challenging me, as all great loves do, to be more present, more attentive, more loving. To put away the theories on child development, sleep, etc. and to tune into her. What is she, my child, needing right now? What is she wanting to communicate?

I must confess that I've become busy. When she is awake and playing with her toys, I will slip away to do dishes, check my e-mail, etc. And, soon enough, she is at my feet, asking to be picked up. I pick her up; She quickly points her tiny finger up in the air and makes a puppy-like whine, which is the signal for her favorite game. Show me, Mama. Point out the trees, the dogs, the flowers, the world... Tell me their names. Whisper in my ear. Engage me.

She wakes up this way. Ready to take on the world, my Amelia. As soon as she is in my arms, she points her finger forward. Like a rocket ready to take off.

Our bond is precious to me, and thus I am resisting the urge to let her fuss and teach her to wait, or whatever the lesson would be. No. Instead, she is my teacher right now. She is insisting that I attend to her, and I am intent on tuning in.

Now that I think of it, Joe has been asking the same of me lately. However, children have a way of insisting for what they need. And thank goodness for that. They awaken us.

Speaking of which, Amelia is waking up now and beginning to insist that I come get her. And show her the world. Atleast for today.